OK, Friends ~ I realize this will be a wildly UNPOPULAR OPINION, but after seeing the highly charged emotions being played out everywhere today since the jury came back with their verdict, I MUST speak my mind and express what is in my heart about this case and it's outcome...
- 1. There is absolutely NO joy to be found in the Anthony case - A beautiful child is gone! That loss is profound and is a wrong that can never be "righted", BUT THANK GOD, today has proven there IS still justice in this country!
- 2. For those of you who believe her mother (solely and with premeditation) murdered her, that she is pure evil and that everyone is her intended victim... You will probably NEVER be able to see anything other than her "guilt" and that she should get the death penalty, so your idea of justice can never be served anyway!!
- 3. The smaller group of people that believe Casey just wanted to "have fun" and that her daughter was an inconvenience, but that she didn't want her dead necessarily - but that she died due to something Casey may have done and then she lied to cover up what happened - Keep in mind she has served 3 years which is far longer than most rapists and some murderers get anyway! And if she is released on Thursday, she has nothing anyway to "go home to" anymore and so she has been and will be "punished" for her negligence and selfishness.
- 4. But those of US (the very few and far between) who happen to believe what Jose Biaz has presented and maintained since the start of trial... That Casey lied, acted "strange", was immature, irresponsible, and self-absorbed, BUT that she was in fact sexually abused by her father for years and grew up lying, denying, pretending, shutting herself off from her feelings and reality and never really learned any kind of coping skills or healthy ways in which to act, react or live her life in general - That she never really had to grow up and behave like an adult and probably doesn't know how AND that George WAS indeed complicit in the death of Caylee - Which WAS an ACCIDENT! That he used that horrible situation to once again manipulate his daughter, secure her loyalty and dependence upon him and get her to comply and above all, KEEP SILENT, by making her feel to blame for Caylee drowning and telling her that her life would be ruined if anyone found out....... We can be relieved that, DESPITE the MASS MEDIA FRENZY and overall "lynching" of the defendant before her day in court, at least 12 people saw that this entire case was contrived and LESS than circumstantial and that JUSTICE TRULY WAS PRESENT in that courtroom (finally) today!!!
Above anything else, the most important thing that we can do as citizens of this great country is to, in every way, stand for and uphold the Constitution of the United States and the ONLY WAY that can be done is if we allow the system to work the way it was intended, not twist it to suit our purposes! That is what the State of Florida tried to do throughout this entire fiasco... They asked the jury to accept that Casey Anthony was guilty of killing her own daughter and to therefore make the evidence fit in with that "truth" - And they didn't, they couldn't! They could not convict someone based on opinion, probability, process of elimination, appearance, inappropriate behavior and a "THEORY" that really didn't even make any sense anyway!
THE LAW is based wholly on fact, on logic and reason and on examining details to get to the truth - It is NOT based on emotions and feelings and on appearances!!! The "Case against Casey" has been built over 3 years based on the tragedy of the death of a beautiful little girl and how that made everybody "FEEL" and how it all "APPEARED" to be! But PLEASE remember this, if we start convicting people and sentencing them to death based on those things, we are in serious trouble as a society and our Constitution and what it stands for, means nothing!!
I submit to you, WHAT IF...?
- What IF George DID molest Casey?
- What IF he was present when Caylee accidentally drowned and then told his 20 year old, immature daughter that the only thing possible to do is (once again) SHUT UP, pretend this never happened and promised to take care of it to make sure she would not get into the trouble he assured her she would?
- What IF George was beginning to sense that her loyalty to him was diminishing and worried that she might indeed say something about the abuse?
- What IF he disposed of Caylee's body in a manner that would look like a kidnapping/murder either hoping it would go unsolved OR in a way that could possibly point to Casey if she did end up "telling on him"?
- What IF Casey stayed gone for 31 days, partying and lying, etc. because either he advised her to keep a low profile or she could not be there at home where her baby had died, where her mother would be asking too many questions and not "lose it", not break down and tell the truth?
- What IF she was partying to "NUMB OUT" - to NOT FEEL because it was all just too much to handle? All of us handle trauma in different ways, but there is no real "normal" when "normal" has not been a part of someone's life anyway!
- What IF George began to worry about her telling the truth because of being arrested and the pressure being put on her by the cops and couldn't risk anyone finding out about his involvement? (Maybe he moved body?)
- What IF he then began trying set her up to protect himself? (the report of stolen gas can, duct tape, suicide note,etc) - Don't forget that molestation charge carries a life sentence in Florida, not to mention whatever he would be sentenced to for covering up the death if anyone found out!!! He is NOT a man that could handle going to prison, of that I am sure!
- What IF she then finally realized that she was absolutely alone, she had NOBODY and nothing... Her daughter gone, her mom living in denial, her dad cold, phony as hell and throwing her under the bus to save himself? That her whole family life was a "mess" and nobody cared about the truth?
There are so many WHAT IFS...
But IF that is what happened (SERIOUSLY) how would you act? How would any one of us behave? Well, NONE of US can truthfully say for sure unless we have been there!! But I can tell you this, I think I would be sitting there in that courtroom "stone cold" too if the only people in the world that I am supposed to be able to count on are THOSE people, when the whole country has convicted me without ANY evidence and everyone thinks I am a "monster"!! We have no idea what she does when she is alone - She may be crying for Caylee every night alone in her jail cell and we would never know! All these people have been going on and on about her "lack of emotion", well I sure hope they all saw how she showed emotion when the verdict was read and how grateful she looked and NO, it wasn't for the benefit of the jury, because they had already rendered their verdict!
It just AMAZES me how people can say the things they have been saying... "Oh, poor George...", "Look at that witch, she needs to die..." "George is the only person in that family that is feeling the loss of Caylee" and on and on and on... It really is sickening to me -- Poor George!!?? He was a detective - he knows all the ins and outs of a crime or covering up something or making an accident look like a crime and he KNOWS how to lie and look convincing!!! Why does everyone keep saying he was such a doting grandfather?? How does anyone know that?? There are tons of pictures and video and TESTIMONY that Casey was a wonderful mother, but I have never seen any proof that George was a loving and caring and wonderful grandparent! Casey lied - most definitely, over and over in the beginning... But George lied over and over on the stand, in his deposition, to his wife, the court about his affair, about everything AND also was non-cooperative in the process too, and IF he did know about Caylee's death from the beginning - he lied to the WHOLE WORLD and for all these years -- But why is it at everyone assumes he is truthful?? Because he WAS a cop?? PLEASE!
I suggest you read the 8 page letter he wrote at the time he was (supposedly) trying to kill himself -- Yeah right! With blood pressure meds and a 6-pack of beer!? It is ridiculous! He wrote (with perfect penmanship and spelling by the way) the perfect "sample suicide note", saying just what he "should"... And it is ALL ABOUT GEORGE!! He knew how to end his life without all the drama, he was a cop for pity's sake... But no, it ended up just an "attempted suicide" that got him even more media exposure and everyone feeling sorry for "Poor George"!! WHO DOES THAT ANYWAY?? If he truly believed his granddaughter was missing or had been killed, why would he ever want to cause his beloved family ANY MORE PAIN? Who would be so selfish as to either try or actually do it at a time like that? No matter how much pain you are dealing with , wouldn't you want to be there to help, support and find the "killer"? It is because he knew what had really happened and once again he manipulated the events to his selfish purposes and tried to get attention and pity! Just like when he "finally broke down" on the stand -- It started when he was being questioned about the gas can and duct tape and was resisting even answering and when he did it contradicted his prior testimony - He was scrambling! And then made it out like it was grief for "the love of his life" being gone...??!!! And everyone bought it??!! WOW!
I hope everyone saw how George and Cindy Anthony immediately got up and left the courtroom with their attorney right after the verdict was read -- Does that not tell you something? He does NOT care about his daughter and it is NOT because he thinks she is a murderer either -- It is simply because she is of no further use to him and she betrayed him by opening her mouth!! He is an OPPORTUNIST, who has used this tragic event to feed his ego and manipulate everyone and ensure that he did not get "found out"! He has perpetuated the idea of his own daughter being guilty of causing the death of his granddaughter to save his own butt and be sure that nobody would ever believe her allegations about him! Has was NOT calling her a "LIAR" or making her look like a horrible person before the trial started, so why did his story and attitude change? I believe it was not because they alleged he molested her and knew about Caylee and he was "hurt" by that, but it was because IT WAS ALL TRUE!! Any parent knows that you love your children NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO... You may hate what they have done, you may not condone their actions, you may be angry and hurt, but you still love them and try to support them! Even if (you think) they are a MURDERER!
I hope everyone also saw how the jury (all 12 of them collectively) REFUSED UNEQUIVOCALLY to speak to the media about their decision!!! BRAVO!!!! I am thrilled that the members of the jury refused to give credibility to the same people who have distorted the facts and misrepresented this situation according to their own opinions and bias and subsequently caused a whole country to HATE a woman they know nothing about! The media and the general public have NO BUSINESS IN THE COURTROOMS! Have we not learned this! We have become a society of voyeurs it seems and thrive on living through the drama of other people's lives from the safety of our living rooms, but we are NOT attorneys, most of us - We do not get the whole picture no matter how many hours we may watch the events play out on T.V. - We do not have the training, experience or ability to judge a situation such as this case objectively and from a legal aspect most certainly, so maybe we should leave that job to the professionals instead of playing "arm chair attorney/judge/jury" and letting emotions convince us of things that are not proven!
Some of you may agree with me, most of you will not -- But regardless of our differences of opinions or lack of, know that I respect and understand why you all believe the way you do -- I am just hoping you can accept that there are other ways to look at this situation and since none of us KNOW FOR SURE, we cannot let our emotions run out of control!
I am not saying that Casey is a great person, OR that I think she is THE victim, OR that her actions are justified by any means!! I am only pointing out that there is so much more to this than meets the eye and that if we are going to appoint ourselves as qualified to judge a situation, we should at least take in all the info and not just blindly accept what is "spoon-fed" to us by the media and T.V. personalities! And just because someone behaves in a way we deem inappropriate, we cannot label them as GUILTY (especially of a capital crime) and wish for their death!
I, for one, HOPE and pray that somehow the truth will come out and can be proven and if by chance it does, maybe in some small way it brings closure and resolution for those involved and for Caylee! Unfortunately that may never happen, but for now we must accept that our Judicial system worked exactly the way in which was intended today and that is a huge victory for us as Americans living in the only true FREE Republic in the world - It is what ensures we all are indeed FREE!!
"Jus' my opinion"... :)
~ Bren ~
R.I.P. Caylee Marie Anthony
Brilliantly stated!!!!
You are a piece of crap along with Casey! Didn't even have to read your entire blog. a child is dead and I guess she crawled into the swamp and put duct tape on herself so she wouldn't snitch on her mother! You should be ashamed of yourself for posting crap!
She obviusly did something WRONG and UNJUST to her little helpless daughter otherwise she would have reported it and to place blame on her parents is unjust in itself. what happened to honor thy mother and father..they only tried to help her. The smell in the car was I guess a fantom smell....that must be why she put a trash bag in her trunk...who does that? Trash belongs in the trash can not in a trunk...do you do that?
Help us all...those jurors just wanted to go home!
You a piece of CRAP! Why don't you should ask Casey to come live with you and take care of your beloved. As her child lay in the swamp rotting away in trash bags, she partied and smiled and laughed and had sex with her boyfriend as nothing was wrong! WHO DOES THAT????YOU?
JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE! Caylee will get hers just as did OJ!! This was a crime not an accidental death otherwise she would have reported it. Either she left her in the car in the hot sun or she died in pool as she talked on the phone and failed to supervise...why would you cover up an accidental death...she was a problem child the kind who don't know what to do with..you help and help and hope that they will get over this "phase" but in the end you find out they are just beyond help!
I have spent much of the afternoon and evening thinking many of the same things you have pointed out. I agree that none of us really know what happened and how she feels about the loss of her daughter. I'm not at ALL justifying anything ...however, one thing that people need to keep in mind and you allude to, is that when it comes to childhood sexual abuse, it is very common for those children to grow into adults who do NOT display emotion in what we as a society deem as normal and appropriate. When a child grows up sexually abused, particularly if it is consistant, they are conditioned to "lie" and "cover-up" things, that is the norm for THEM. Also, substance abuse is often a response to trauma. You're right in my opinion that too many people are willing to have someone convicted on pure emotion, and forget that what we see on t.v. and read in the papers is only a portion of what the jury examined. The jury did the only thing they could do considering evidence or lack of, untruthful witnesses, and the allegations of childhood sexual abuse.
Yeah, you've said many things here that I too have been thinking about this case. I don't know if she did, or didn't ...however there is too little evidence and too many questions raised for me to jump on the hate bandwagon. Good for you in standing up for what you belive ...and Thank you Brenda for being couragous enough to go public in supporting the "unpopular opinion".
WELL DONE BREN ! I BELIEVE THAT YOU'VE HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD WITH YOUR "INSIGHTFUL & INFORMATIVE " ANALYSIS OF THE FACTS PRESENTED BEFORE THE "COURT"! That is more then I can say about the"MEDIA" AND THEIR LEGAL CORRESPONDENTS WHO GET "PAYED FOR THEIR OPINION"! The Media has proven today that, the "ALMIGHTY DOLLAR" can spew toxic waste out of a "trained jackass's mouth" and "most of their viewers" will believe what they've heard must be the truth ; disregarding the fact that a (JACKASS CAN'T SPEAK)and what sounds like "bullshit" might just mean they've been Listening to the wrong end, for the truth. With that said, any comments that MAY be posted anonymously just might be from another ill-informed, ignorant "JACKASS" ?
Practice what you preach.....
You said-
"The media and the general public have NO BUSINESS IN THE COURTROOMS! Have we not learned this! We have become a society of voyeurs it seems and thrive on living through the drama of other people's lives from the safety of our living rooms, but we are NOT attorneys, most of us - We do not get the whole picture no matter how many hours we may watch the events play out on T.V. - We do not have the training, experience or ability to judge a situation such as this case objectively and from a legal aspect most certainly, so maybe we should leave that job to the professionals instead of playing "arm chair attorney/judge/jury" and letting emotions convince us of things that are not proven!"
BTW......It's CCCCCCCaylee. Not KKKKKaylee.
Why don't you send your opinion into Nancy Grace?
And by the way, Casey has a mouth and she knows how to "use her words". Accident? Daddy did it? Daddy made me cover it up! No, she wasn't scared to tell the world Daddy AND her brother molested her but she was scared to tell the world her daughter died by accident and Daddy made her lie and cover it up. She would rather lie and risk getting the death penalty? O.K. I'll buy that. HA!
Don't say I'm not being fair in my judgement. I have just, in the past few years, became convinced O.J. did it!!!!
Not for nothing, I have a degree in Social Work and one in Mental Health.
I could say so much but what's the use? You know it all.
No ill-informed, ignorant jackass here. I'm not afraid to sign my name.
Jana S. Luker
Well I do appreciate all comments posted (including the obviously biased and even rude ones)! I wonder how many wrote based purely on the outrage at the loss of a young child, rather than facts, actual evidence and proven testimony in the case!?
One thing you keep bringing up is the duct tape and how the body was found... Go over the evidence, letters, reports, statements, etc if you believe Casey did that - Because there is no proof of it and there is the claim that in fact, George actually is the one who took care of Caylee's body! Casey HAS been saying she was molested all along, but nobody would believe her. Not to mention, for the first time ever she is finally out from under the control and manipulation of dad/family and definitely has had to face that she is on her own and cannot trust or count on anyone!
If she is just a liar and a bad mother, why does every letter from her mom state that she loves her, believes in her and that the case against her is bogus and that she was a great mom? Even her dad always maintained that, until he threw her under the bus when she finally told truth and put him at risk!
Thanks to those who did as I suggested and look a little deeper, not be fooled by the bias of the media, it's misrepresentation of details of case and it's mission to "hang her" regardless of facts!
@ Jana - I am quite surprised/disappointed that you, a social worker/mental health professional, could be so clueless, out of touch and uninformed as to how abuse (especially sex molestation/inscest/rape) affects those victims and the ways in which they deal (or don't) with it and other issues... I seriously hope you are not in the position of counseling young girls who have been sexually victimized!! "Use her words"... Are you serious?? (might wanna go back to college and get another degree - like maybe in business, something where you won't have to deal with real people with trauma and real emotions, who have no idea of how to cope or break free from bonds of abuse, etc... Listen to what Dr. Keith Ablow (a real professional) says about typical behavior of sexually abused individuals why don't you?
I have clearly stated that I do not condone her behavior; Nor do I think abuse and dysfunction can ever justify it - But not reporting Caylee's death and lying to cover it up after the fact, whether it was her idea or her dad's... A couple photos of her dancing and a straight face in court when the cameras have been in her face for 3 yrs accusing her of being evil, cold, hateful sociopath... DOES NOT MAKE HER A MURDERER or even an abusive mother!!
It amazes me that so many people have the audacity to say that this jury was incompetent or just dead wrong and that regardless of the fact that there WAS NO EVIDENCE, NOTHING THAT TIED HER TO THE DEATH and NO PROOF OF MURDER, and that State of Florida tried to manipulate case to make the crime fit the suspect and failed to prove homicide, motive, or even the cause of death!! When they not only couldn't convict her when there was no case proven, but jurors even actually BELIEVED George played a part and there is more that family hiding and they were struck by HIS suspicious behavior and his lies! I guess the next step will be to do away with the jury system and our judicial process because there is a MOB MENTALITY that "just KNOWS she is guilty"!!!! God help us all!!
We ALL SHOULD truly be wanting the truth to be found, rather than just demanding a conviction of Casey! You cannot convict and put to death a person for murder when NO HOMICIDE was committed, no matter how she handled the situation or what she did/didn't do!
If you want someone to pay for how her body was mishandled and treated with such disregard, you should be demanding justification from the one who dumped her precious body - her Grandfather!!
For more info see: http://www.asecondbreath.net/
Two things that has not and will not ever change OTHER THEN THE FACT that your right, a beautiful child is gone, is that when you are negligent, or abusive, or just immature in anyway that needs to stop when you bring life into this world. You are no longer the one that matters. you made a choice. a hard one for many and you need to understand that.No parent has the right to leave their child to suffer. Also, in the argument of her having been abused and molested and raised to hide and cover, SO ARE THOUSANDS OF OTHER PEOPLE EVERY DAY THAT MAKE YET ANOTHER SERIES OF DECISIONS NOT TO TURN THAT AROUND ON OTHER PEOPLE BUT TO MAKE A LIFE WHERE THEY CONTRIBUTE CO-EXIST AND FUNCTION JUST FINE without murdering or covering up their toddlers death and lie and partying to make it go away. As Jana pointed out above, she had no difficulty revealing plenty of self serving truths and secrets. The one biggie "my-kid-fell-in-a-pool-and-instead-of-calling-911-i-buried-her-in-the-woods-so-i-wouldn't-get-in-trouble" one just kind of ended up being buried and ignored like garbage. Hmm Kinda like her baby did. Go figure... Justice will always be served in some form. if not by the courts, by the simple fact that at least in the history books of legal, and horrible atrocities her name will forever be linked with "baby killer" "supposed child murderer" "the mother who killed and buried her baby like trash in the woods" and finally as in several search engines words, simply "Monster".
Julie(a mother who was also abused and chose to love my daughter beyond myself)
@ Julie - Well stated and believe me, I agree completely... As I also am a mother, who was abused and have dealt with severe traumas in my own life, but have never let it make me a victim and have worked to rise above anything that could have brought me into a very dark place! I love my children far more than I can ever express and have tried to be the best mom I could be and show unconditional love and acceptance!!
However, not all of us are equipped with the tools necessary to be healthy-minded, or have the knowledge or strength to know how to break the bonds of abuse, etc... We need to accept that there are many people out there who have no idea where to start or how to be something that they have never seen, let alone begin to realize what is and is not healthy!!
The only way we can help those who still need some help is to educate, support, have concern and compassion for them and most importantly I think, to NOT ALLOW the cycle to continue by either turning our backs, judging, invalidating or excusing the victimization done to them!
How in the world can someone like Casey "rise above" and automatically know how to handle things and be healthy-minded, if she has no real frame of reference, NO support, nobody she can trust or feel safe with and when everyone so quickly assumes or believes her to be guilty and "a monster", while refusing to see any guilt or fault in the person who has lied, hurt, used and manipulated her?!?!
Is that the best example of healthy behavior we collectively can provide to someone like that?! I hope not or few stand a chance and the cycles of abuse and violence and shame continue!
Hey Bren, it's me Chenoa:) You have really got people fired up!! I can totally understand both sides. As you know I am quit good at being objective. I understand what you are saying, because the evidence was lacking,but I also understand that a majority of the American people are outraged that a innocent young child is dead and what totally disregarded like a piece of trash. I think there are SO MANY fact that were missing and that we will NEVER know, however, I do agree with you that we can not go "hanging" people without real proof that they are guilty, the whole smoking gun thing..You are a smart woman and I love reading your thoughts and opinion on things:) I think you too can be objective because we are kind & fair souls, but have been on the end of the "hanging" a time or two ourselves and understand how horrible it is to be look at as a "bad person" because of circumstance. Love ya
Chenoa ~ LOL! I don't think I got people all fired up so much as they already were WAY FIRED UP ever since the verdict was given yesterday! And honestly, that was my purpose in writing about this...
We just really have to be careful not to let our emotions get so high about something like this or it can easily turn into vigilantism!! We cannot think we have the power to judge, convict, persecute people when there is no way to know if our outrage is misplaced! And yes, you are absolutely right - being on the receiving end of people's misguided opinions and judgements definitely makes a person more sensitive and compassionate towards others in that situation!
I am not saying that there is not a valid reason for people to be disturbed, confused and even angry about this, but I am seeing and hearing "RAGE" everywhere ~ and that kind of mob mentality can spiral out of control with a quickness! I fear that things in Orlando could get CRAZY if people do not calm down, think more objectively and realize that there is more to this than meets the eye!! We simply cannot demand someone be punished for a crime when we don't know one was committed! A travesty yes, but a homicide is not what this is!
We should weep at the news of EVERY single child who's life ends so unexpectedly and yet each day we see tragedy played out on the news and go on about our day unaffected... Why THIS child to the exclusion of other untimely deaths, even murders? I don't know... But regardless of what we may think of this particular event and how it happened - We live in a world filled with pain and things we just cannot understand and that is a part of life we must accept!
We cannot let it turn us into a society that cries out for blood to be spilled to justify the fact that no sense can be made out of something so horribly sad and tragic!! We just cannot start to doubt this system that separates us from the rest of the world, because we FEEL like it has failed us or we don't agree with the outcome!
I am sorry if I have offended anyone, I just feel that it is important to ask the important questions, dig a lot deeper, and not blindly accept what others proclaim as truth just because it "fits in with our idea" of what is normal or should be... There are certain individuals who profit by their perpetuation of this kind of mass hysteria and we need to be careful not to fall into the trap of being led by our emotions!
Please keep this in mind ~ TRY to practice compassion and patience and empathy, especially at times when you want to scream out in outrage and to fight the injustice!! And remember... We are not put here on this earth to judge, But TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER!! That is all I ask... <3
Great Blog!! Keep up the good work. I would remove the really disparaging comments if I were you. The 'haters' have plenty of other forums to post their evil vitriole.JMO
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